Tribal heart tattoo 1. Ideogram meaning: 失恋 disappointed love / broken heart / unrequited love. Japanese: kanji: 失恋; hiragana: しつれん; reading: shitsuren. Simplified chinese: Hànzì: 失恋; pinyin: shīliàn
Tribal heart tattoo 2. Ideogram meaning: 失恋 disappointed love / broken heart / unrequited love. Japanese: kanji: 失恋; hiragana: しつれん; reading: shitsuren. Simplified chinese: Hànzì: 失恋; pinyin: shīliàn
Usually when I draw a tattoo I try to integrate one or more ideograms (either japanese Kanji or chinese Hanzi) in various tribal or floral patterns. In this case, I've used some tribal-style hearts and the word 失恋 (disappointed love / unrequited love / to lose one's love / being lovelorn).
This word (失恋) has the same meaning both in chinese and in japanese (of course, the pronunciations are different: the japanese pronunciation is shitsuren and the chinese pronunciation is shīliàn - first tone and the fourth tone).
If you like these two tattoos you can find them (and many others) on my website,
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