Biomechanical tattoos: alien infestation

Another popular choice for a biomechanical tattoo is the "alien infestation" theme. Sometimes, the mechanical components and the alien tissues can be combined in a single tattoo.

The most common themes of the alien-biomechanical tattoos are:
- an alien creature growing inside a human body, and aventually destroying the host's body (or eating the host body from the inside out)
- alien creatures living inside someone's body, coexisting peacefully with the host (like Kauto, the mutant baby from Total Recall)
- alien creatures whice are using the human body like a vehicle (those tattoos contain mechanical and robotic components along with the alien tissues)
- aliens (strange) creatures hiding inside the human body; in this case, only small parts of the alien are visible - usually weird eyes staring from the depths of the host's body, claws and tentacles that seem to spring out. etc.
- fusions between humans and aliens: usually a human being with an alien arm or leg (like in the early stages of the transformation process of the Wikus character from the "District 9" movie)
- fusions between alien tissues and cyborg components

3d tattoo on the chest, shoulder and arm
big size biomech tattoo: organic alien-like elements covering the shoulder, the back, the chest and the arm

biomechanic tattoo with mechanical elements and alien tissues covering the shoulder, the chest and the arm
biomechanical tattoo (mechanical elements and alien tissues) covering the shoulder, the back, the chest and the upper arm

3d tattoo on the shoulder: alien-like bones
3D tattoo on the shoulder: alien tissues and a strange bones construction

3d tattoo on the leg: alien-like bones and tissues
biomech tattoo: alien leg

3d tattooon the arm: a fusion between cyborg components and alien elements
biomechanical tattoo on the arm: a fusion between cyborg components and alien elements

3D tattoo: the Alien monster coming out through the skin
3D tattoo: the alien Queen coming through the skin

biomechanic tattoo: strange eyes hidden behind some alien-like tissues and bones
biomechanical tattoo depicting some strange eyes staring from the depths of the body

3d tattoo: a green alien head
3D tattoo depicting a green alien hiding inside someone's arm

biomechanic tattoo on the leg: alien-like tentacles
3D tattoo on the leg: alien tissues and some strange tentacles

biomechanic tattoo on the leg: a little alien inside the leg
3D tattoo: an alien inside someone's leg

3d tattoo: alien creatures hiding inside a human body
3D biomechanical tattoo: a creepy eye which can be seen behind the alien tissues

biomechanical 3d tattoo on the calf: an alien head
3d tattoo: alien head

biomechanical tattoo depicting alien-like bones and tissues covering the wrist and the hand
biomechanical tattoo on the wrist: alien skeleton and tissues

biomech tattoo: alien-like tissues tattooed on the upper arm
biomechanical tattoo on the shoulder and the upper arm: alien tissues and bones

black & grey biomechanical tattoo covering the upper arm
black and gray biomechanical tattoo covering the shoulder and the arm

3d tattoo: alien-like bone structure tattooed on the shoulder
biomechanical tattoo covering the shoulder and the arm: a strange bones construction

3d tattoo: alien-like bone structure and tissues tattooed on the shoulder and upper arm
biomechanical tattoo covering the shoulder and the upper arm: alien-like tissues and bones

3d biomechanical tattoo on the forearm: alien arm
biomechanical tattoo covering the forearm: alien-like tissues and bones

biomechanical tattoo on the leg: alien-like bones and tissues
biomechanical tattoo covering the entire leg: alien-like tissues and bones
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