Butterfly tattoos are a good choice for a first tattoo because the design doesn't need to be big to be striking. A small butterfly tattoo (life sized or smaller) on an ankle or shoulder can be a pretty and graceful accent to your natural beauty. These tattoos vary in sizes depending upon the body part you want to get it tattooed (usually, the butterfly-tattoos placed on the nape or behind the years are the smallest, those placed on the wrist/ankle/abdomen are medium-sized tattoos, while the lower back/upper back butterfly tattoos are usually larger, more stylised butterfly images).
Big butterfly design. Unless you want a lower-back tattoo, it's better to avoid a big butterfly tattoo. Butterflies are usually small, delicate, and beautiful creatures and trying to blow them up into mega insects doesn't always work. If you really want a huge butterfly tattoo you should consider a swarm of butterflies instead one giant butterfly.
Small butterfly design. Sometimes we can see some tiny butterfly tattoos that look more like mosquito-tattoos than beautiful butterflies. A butterfly tattoo should be large enough to highlight the brilliant design of the butterfly's wings; going to small is definitely a good way to ruin your tattoo.
Conclusion: lean towards a smaller sized butterfly as opposed to something big, but don't make it tiny! Play around with different small sizes and you should see the correct size "pop out" at you when the proportion is correct, and the detail is present.
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