Frog Tattoos


Frog tattoos may seem an odd choice for a design, but there are probably some things about frogs that may surprise you. When you consider their popularity in our society today plus the meanings of frogs in many different cultures, you will see why frog tattoos may not be so odd after all. Frogs are amphibians that have long hind legs, a short body, webbed fingers and toes, protruding eyes and no tail. There are over 5,000 different species of frogs and they come in all colors including many shades of green, brown, bright orange, blue, red, yellow and even spotted to name a few.

Frog tattoos are highly symbolic but also really cute and funny. They are normally displayed as armbands, on the lower back, ankles, shoulders, upper back, chest etc. Frog tattoos are discovered all over the world. Tree frog tattoos are ideal for a young person's first type of body art. Frogs have an extremely sensitive skin on it's body which is thought to be magical. Frog woman was considered as the guardian of fresh water, and it was thought to protect humans from flood or thirst by making and manipulating a dam to control the waters for the maximum benefit. Frogs are often a symbol of harmony, regeneration and life.

The Frog symbol is a popular tattoo design that cuts across many cultures. The frog is usually seen as a teacher, as a guide to understanding supernatural powers and also as a mentor. You will find that in many cultures, the frog is associated with the ability to jump from one state of consciousness to another. Frog tattoos are one of the most magical and oldest form which stands for metamorphosis, regeneration and which gives new instructions in one's life. Many of the native Americans consider the frog to be the 'Great Rain Maker'. With the last snowfall of spring the snowflakes touching the ground would turn into frogs announcing that the salmon would soon arrive. The frog tattoo is associated with water and the moon which is a symbol of fertility, prosperity and wealth for the coastal tribes in North America. The characteristics naturally possessed by the frogs have made humankind revere these delightful little creatures.

In fact, frogs have a great amount of symbolism behind them. In ancient Egypt for instance, the frog was thought to be a protector and a guide to the afterlife. The Iban assume that having a frog tattoo on the throat will protect the warrior from having his head cut off in battle. And they also believe that their ancestors live in the body of the frogs to be close to their loved ones. For these and many other reasons, frog tattoos are gaining rapidly in popularity. Frogs that are depicted as tribal tattoos or as Celtic tattoos are very popular. Frog tattoos may not be as widely sought out as some other tattoo designs, but this may very well be a good thing as you are certain to make a unique statement with this piece. Frog tattoos are as varied and different as the many species of frogs that they visually represent.

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