Zodiac Tattoos


Zodiac tattoos have combined ancient beliefs with modern design for many years. For as long as people have been looking at the stars, they have been searching for meaning within them. Zodiacs are just one example of this. Many cultures, including those within China, Persia and India, have zodiacs that have been around for thousands of years. There is also evidence that the cultures of pre-Columbian North America, such as the Maya, the Incas and the Aztecs developed zodiacs based on their own celestial observations.

The zodiac that most people are familiar with is what is now called the Western Zodiac. The western zodiac has its roots in the Helenistic period of Greek culture, and was adopted by the Romans soon after conquering Greece. The Romans renamed the Greek gods within the zodiac and gave the zodiac signs the names that we are all familiar with - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

There is more to the symbolism of the zodiac signs than just a different image to represent it. Other may learn a lot about you by your zodiac tattoo symbol. Astrological sign tattoos can also tell others details about your personality. For instance, a person wearing one of the zodiac tattoos, Cancer, would be expected to be a shrewd person who is also jealous and moody. In other words, you might have a tendancy to occasionally be a little crabby! 

Another reason that a person might think it is a good idea to wear their astrological tattoo designs is that some signs are supposed to be more compatible with others. Not everyone thinks this is a valid assumption. Others are strong believers that the signs you were born under will influence every facet of the rest of your life! 

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