Why Choose Sanskrit Tattoo Designs - Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

There is literally an endless supply of tattoo designs to choose from. But why choose Sanskrit tattoo designs?

They Make Great Armband Tattoos

Despite the popularity of other more tribal tattoo designs, armband tattoos are very striking if made with Sanskrit script.

Sanskrit words or scripts look very organized because of the horizontal line joining each character. Because of this the scripts look very sleek and have a defined edge so make perfect armband tattoos.

The defacto writing system for Sanskrit is Devanagari. There are other writing systems such as Bengali, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam but Devanagari is the one which is widely accepted.

The Devanagari Sanskrit is perfect for emulating bracelets and anklets because of the etched style of writing. This is the reason why they are also called permanent bracelets or armbands. a Sanskrit Script tattoo's are a spiritual link to the past.

The Sanskrit language has been dated as origionating around 1500 BC. It is the oldest among the ancient languages. Its reputation earned it recognition alongside the Latin language and Greek language of Europe.

Because of being the standard language used for Hindu and other old religions, it also became associated with its beliefs and spirituality. That is why most of the Sanskrit tattoo designs use images and scripts of religious importance. Sanskrit tattoo designs are created from scripts, words or symbols that are based on the Hindu religion.

For example, the Om symbol, the lotus flower or blossom image, the trishula and meditation and chant scripts. All of these can be found in Hindu texts.

Sanskrit Tattoos

Easy To Get Beautiful Results

Sanskrit tattoo designs whilst looking complicated and intricate are easy to make. The Devanagari system of writing is highly structured with a horizontal line on top of the area where the Sanskrit characters would be tattooed.

After this, you can finish the curves of the Sanskrit characters and complete the whole script. The Om or Omkar and the trishula are easy to make because you only need broad lines to shape it.

Others, for example, the dreamcatcher tattoo designs are harder to make because of the intricacies of the script however the results are always striking.

Sanskrit Tattoos

Hopes of Revival

The Sanskrit language has been dead for many years now. It was also said to be the mother of all languages because of its apparent similarity to most early European languages. It, being a dead language,may be one of the factors of its appeal as the meaning of this ancient language has been frozen in time.

Some scholars have proposed to use it as a metalanguage such as in machine translation because of the regular structure of the Classical Sanskrit language. It is also being spoken in strictly traditional houses in India.

Though there were attempts for revival, it did not push through as expected. It was restricted to be used as a language in ceremonies in the religious rituals of the Hindu.

Even from the grave, the Sanskrit language has maintained a great influence on many things. Its association to great and old religions may have contributed to its staying power. Its organized structure and interesting system of writing made its designs easy to tattoo and form into beautiful designs and bands.

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

Sanskrit Tattoos

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